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Lay out your expectations when your child gets a iphone/smartphone with this comprehensive and easily-editable template for a smartphone contract. Ideal for your child’s first phone.
This form is designed to spark discussion and negotiation in your family and help you think through the possible issues. We also hope it helps facilitate discussion of difficult topics, like Internet safety and cyber-bullying. Communication with your child on these topics matters more than a piece of paper!
This document is easily edited in Microsoft Word or Google Docs. You will need Microsoft Word or Google Docs to make changes and edit this template.
Once you purchase this product, you get immediate access to a Word doc download. Download your form and edit it with your family’s information and details. The instructions (on the last page) have some ideas for changes to consider, as well. When you are done, delete the instructions, print your finished contract, and sign it!
If you have a young adult at college or on their own, consider our form Smartphone Contract for Young Adult at College, which is much more permissive but still facilitates valuable family conversations.
Our attorney founder insists on disclaimers. You should know that communication of information by, in, to or through this purchase and your receipt or use of this template: (1) is not provided in the course of and does not create or constitute an attorney-client relationship; (2) is not intended as a solicitation; (3) is not intended to convey or constitute legal advice.
This template is a starting point. It may not be appropriate to your individual circumstances or in your jurisdiction. For personalized advice, you should engage an attorney. Sandwich Smarter and its affiliates do not guarantee, and are not liable for, the validity or enforceability of these forms across all jurisdictions.
A Project of JD Navigator
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This site does not constitute legal advice.