Sandwich Smarter: Legal Forms for Families

Covid Withdrawal Attestation


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We created this form for a young adult who had to take a leave of absence from college, withdrawing in the middle of a semester, after a terrible bout of Covid left them far behind in classes and with lingering cognitive issues.

The financial aid office at the college requested a written attestation that the withdrawal was due to the allowable Covid-19 factors, so they could take advantage of favorable federal financial aid provisions. But there is no specified form, and the student had no idea what an “attestation” might look like!

If you are similarly situated, here’s a form of attestation you can download and fill in with your information.

And if you are trying to create an attestation to something different, this editable form will get you started.


Our attorney founder insists on disclaimers. You should know that communication of information by, in, to or through this purchase and your receipt or use of this template: (1) is not provided in the course of and does not create or constitute an attorney-client relationship; (2) is not intended as a solicitation; (3) is not intended to convey or constitute legal advice.

This template is a starting point. It may not be appropriate to your individual circumstances or in your jurisdiction. For personalized advice, you should engage an attorney. Sandwich Smarter and its affiliates do not guarantee, and are not liable for, the validity or enforceability of these forms across all jurisdictions.